The C Word Coaching
Specialist coaching for patients and carers affected by cancer
by Dr Carolina Valiente
Support for when talking about the hardest things makes a difference.
We often refer to cancer as 'The C Word' - acknowledging how challenging it is to talk about your feelings and suffering.
When affected by cancer, you may need to use the experience as a way to reassess your life and your priorities.
Our coaching helps you reflect on what you're going through and explore the path ahead - your path.
So take The C Word - feel it, say it, talk about it, take control of its impact.
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Meet Dr Carolina Valiente
As a former cancer patient, I have experienced the uncertainty, loneliness and fear you face when dealing with this illness.
For this reason, I set about learning how to support others in a similar position to myself, to guide them through the phases of cancer with empathy, know-how and affirmative action.
My approach is specific to cancer patients, working in tandem with counselling services offered by hospitals and medical establishments.
Focusing not just on the patient but also the carer, my work may help those surrounding the patient to understand and to be effective in their assistance to the patient, while taking care of themselves.
Member of the Association for Coaching (A for C)
Accredited Certificate in Positive Psychology and Existential Psychology CoachingCertificate on Health and Wellness CoachingDiploma in Transformational CoachingCertified NLP PractitionerNLP Masters PractitionerDiploma NLP PractitionerDiploma Coaching Practitioner
Other qualifications:
PhD International BankingMPhil International FinanceMPhil Monetary EconomicsBSc(Hons) Economics
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What is coaching?
Your choices shape your life, but life is challenging when it comes to choices.
That's why we believe choices explored and examined with another can help improve your life.
Coaching is a conversation-based approach which supports the coachee-client through the process of setting - and working through - achievable goalsIt involves a non-advisory exploration for moving someone from where they currently are to where they want to beThe awareness and solutions are to be found by the interactions between the coach and the coachee
Coaching Options
Individuals - patients and carersSpanish language sessionsGroups
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Why Coaching: is it for me?
Deciding if coaching is for you is a choice in itself. To determine if you are someone that would benefit from coaching, ask yourself the following:
As a consequence of cancer, are you feeling…
in shock or overwhelmed?fearful and anxious?angry?guilty?lonesome?lacking in energy?finding difficulty in communicating with others?worried about returning to work?
Why would I work with a coach?
The agenda of conversation is open and built by the coachee.Sharing experiences affecting us with a qualified coach can help to add perspective.To have a soundboard, when your self-confidence might be low.The coach helps to ponder different angles for each problem and consider options.Coaches may support in creating and implementing your tailor-made-plans at your own speed.Coaching uses a flexible duration of the sessions and particular techniques adapted to the individual needs of the coachee.Coaching may happen in parallel with counselling and psychotherapy.
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Testimonials from Dr Carolina's Patients
"Carolina explained the coaching process extremely well. She is clear about the boundaries which would help the coachee to identify and prioritise his/her role. This helped me to come up with reasons for my difficulties, while encouraging, supporting and by emotionally holding me during a session, when I have felt my world come down.
My main concern when i came to Coaching was that I was struggling to find direction. I was feeling overwhelmed by the different responsibilities with different members of the family, other priorities and my own health.
Carolina worked with me through some difficult emotions regarding bereavement of very close members of my family and some friends.
Strong emotions made me cry and I could not talk. Carolina supported me enormously in those moments. She also helps me to understand the need to be kind to myself, my body, my feelings.
She helped me to identify and differentiate what was urgent and what was important. She helped me to think about how I could address both kind of issues by prioritising on my needs, to stay healthy after cancer. She provided a safe place to talk, to be me without disguises.
I would recommend Carolina as a coach 150%. She is the first coach I have had who got quickly to the hub of my concerns. She was able to reframe some of my thoughts in a way that could cut to the core of the emotions and own your healing process. She has spent time with me to identify what things nourish and revitalise me.
I have recommended Carolina to friends and family because she is skilled at helping you move on your journey, to identify why there may be a lack of movement and to support you to work on it."
+ Coaching Patient
"When I started my coaching sessions, I was worried about my irregular sleeping pattern and my reactions. I was feeling lonely and had issues with my familial relationships.
Working with Carolina made me aware of what I need to change in order to get better in my responses and find inner peace. I also understood that one cannot change others, but I can change myself."
+ Coaching Patient
"Carolina is very kind, helpful and understanding. I came to the coaching sessions because I could not handle my worries and had difficulty in staying positive. Carolina gave me very useful tips, like using breathing exercises, and showed me how important it is to be in control of my thoughts. She understood what I was going through.
"I would strongly recommend Carolina as a coach because she is very professional, pleasant to talk to, and her smiling face has a calming effect which helps to relate well with the coachees. I am very grateful to have met Carolina. She has been an immense help to me. She was just the person I needed."
+ Coaching Patient
"Thanks Carolina for staying with me in the future pace exercise. It was very vivid to see and feel each step as I build my coaching business."
+ Linda Duff, ANIMAS - Training Client
"Carolina was extremely helpful in helping me to solve an ongoing issue that I had at work. The solution was right in front of me, but some things need someone to clear the way for you. This is what Carolina did for me."
+ Sarah-Jane Quartey - Coaching Patient
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